Monday, December 24, 2012

Sioux Falls to MoFalls

Twenty Four hours in to Drool-fest 2012.  So far, so good.  Sort of.  Anxiety levels are high all around.... which I guess doesn't make it drool-fest, but more like panic-fest

We got a few hours of sleep at the sketchy Motel 6 the other night, broken up by people coming and going at all hours, and the need to flip over every so often so the hip side that was on the mattress wouldn't completely fall asleep.  Gaia had no trouble sleeping, of course, and woke well rested and ready to whine all the way across Minnesota.  Adam woke, not forgetting that we were in a sketchy motel, and successfully avoided touching the gross carpet with his bare feet.  That is to say, he resurrected the game of "Carpet is Lava" and threw down pillows from the bed to his shoes.   Then we had to drive an hour before we found a legitimate coffee stop, at which the high school girl pouring espresso saw Adam's Yale vest and said (with astonishment): Woooooah... Did you reeeeeally go to Yale?  Wow.  You must be, like, really smart.

Got in to Madison last night before dark, and had a lovely stay with Ashley & Hills at Square Wine Co, their new baby across from the Capitol building.  Hills sells smaller production stuff and had a pretty awesome selection.  So we stocked up for the week, shared a bottle of Riesling, snacked on some cheesey bits, and got back on the road.  Another hour and a half and we successfully entered Menomonee Falls.

Last night Adam and I shared the end of the potato/squash/turkey hash and a bottle of wine, each got a much needed shower, chit chatted a bit and pretty much PTFO'd.  Ten hours later everyone finally started to stir.

Today was cookie munching, last minute present shopping, liquor & beer buying, doggie belly rubbing and internet surfing.  Andrew and I each snuck in a little kettlebell workout between cookie servings.  Adam and I (but mostly Adam) made dinner.  I guess I've gotten re-calibrated to how long cooking with Adam takes.  And I'm totally ok with snacking and sipping wine while cooking, but it was tension-creating for every other adult in this household when dinner wasn't ready before 8:00.  (Other than Andrew, who has been completely preoccupied with video games and root beer & vodka.)  Throw in a busted meat thermometer, which kept the beef in the oven longer than it really needed to be and things got uncomfortable.  Classic first full day at the Potter household, and everyone should be fine in the morning.

Cribbage & movie watching time now.  And water drinking.  Must increase water intake...

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