Thursday, December 22, 2011

Midway, Day 7

Begin Christmas vacation.  I've really been out of things to do all week, save the 20 hours in the TM room over the weekend.  Today, we took the boys out in public - first annual SDL end of year lunch.  Jason & Phil bailed, which probably un-sweetened the pot a bit, but the classic social inabilities were still there.  I had myself a GF beer and a salad; the boys all had pizza and real beer.  Hilarity ensued.  But I still haven't learned that drinking before the PM hours is a horrible idea and I'm toast for the rest of the day.  So I stuck around for another hour and came home for a snuggle nap with Gaia.  Eventually made it to the climbing gym, but I couldn't finish a damn route at all, so I quit and came home to a dinner of corn chips, guacamole and wine.  Awesome.

Last night was Snaknite.  I had to bake a cake for Curtis's birthday.  Niki had to make casserole for a party tonight.  I got a start on the cake - and when the recipe says "our Food Network chefs have been unable to confirm that this recipe is successful" you should probably heed that advice.  The batter was like chocolate mousse - I should have just put it in a bowl and taken it in like that.  In the oven for 30 min, and five minutes in it was bubbling over.  Twenty five minutes in, the blobs on the bottom of the oven were on fire.  Niki: "Um, I think there's a fire in your oven."  Well, shit.  We got that under control, but the cake was a disaster.  Niki put her casserole in to bake, which will probably taste a little smokey, and I started in on the frosting.  Apparently if you boil sugar and evaporated milk, you get frosting, give or take some coconut and pecans. It actually turned out, and covered up the disaster that was the cake.  Curtis loved it.  My baking reputation is in tact.

And for some reason I watched four episodes of Sex in the City tonight.  Not sure where that came from.  Adam has successfully connected his google phone, so I think that means we can text if he's on wi-fi.  I think.  I'm pretty sure he was just avoiding doing another inventory of his stash of body bags.

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