Friday, December 23, 2011

Midway, Day 8

Well.  Adam has a blog too now.  Looks like the next three months will be the battle of the blogs.  And dammit, he's an awfully good writer.  And he's got that whole "middle of nowhere" thing going for him.

Now I feel like there's nothing to report.  Nothing as exciting as being the medical support out on a former Navy base in the middle of the ocean anyway.  But, then again, that was kind of the point of this whole blog, wasn't it?  Yeah, that's right.  Here's to being mundane.

I furminated a cubic foot of hair out of Gaia this morning.  She's going to my boss's house for the next few days and best that all that hair doesn't end up on his carpet.  Somehow she's still shedding though.  Sorry, George.

PS, BTW:  If you're curious as to what I feel like I've learned in the last 365 days, go here.

Update!  I am officially spoiled. Jo sent over a box of Christmas goodies to Gaia and me, which just arrived. Gaia really hit the jackpot - treats, treats and more treats. (Bonus points for getting to bark at the mailman.) And GF pizza kits and GF brownies for humans! It's amazing. Thanks Jo, you're pretty much the best ever! (And hopefully ok with shameless semi-public announcements about it.)


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