Saturday, December 24, 2011

Midway, Day 9

Back in Menomonee Falls for a few days, and the annual Potter Family Christmas celebration.  The highlights will undoubtedly be Dad taking an hour to set up the vido camera tomorrow morning, and then the subsequent three hours it takes to open presents while we are video taped individually... the introduction of Aunt Peg and Grandma Wiese to what is normally a four human affair...  a liter of Jim Beam for Andrew and me... and of course, way too many cookies.

Chatted with Adam a bit last night, and held it together, even though I had a mild anxiety attack because... I-couldn't-get-a-hold-of-him-and-I-was-leaving-town-the-next-morning-and-didn't-we-agree-that-we-didn't-need-to-try-to-talk-while-I-was-at-home-and-was-he-trying-to-avoid-me-on-purpose-and-did-he-meet-the-woman-of-his-dreams-and-had-I-become-obsolete-and-what-if-Midway-had-been-consumed-by-a-tsunami-they-must-all-be-in-the-shelter-with-no-internet.  Anyway, all was fine on Midway and Adam was on his second night of filet mignon for dessert - although he assured me it wasn't the second night IN A ROW.

My phone alarm failed this morning, but thankfully I woke up five minutes after it was suppose to go off.  Richard brought me in to the airport, after we made a little side stop to feed Niki's cat, and then return to my place because I forgot my watch.  Uneventful flight, although the more I go out in public the more I'm convinced society as a whole is nuts.  I did get halfway through another Barry Eisler novel, which will likely not last until my plane ride home.  In fact, it might not last past this evening.  Dad & Andrew picked me up and brought me home to a Chuck-less house.  It certainly still feels empty without the big pooch running around.  I half expected a new puppy to be here, but I think my parents are quite ready for that yet.  Andrew and I made dinner - pork ribs & pears, mushrooms & spinach and roasted potato medley.  That's right, medley.

The dishes are already set out for breakfast tomorrow, even though none of us can even think about food again tonight.  I suspect Mom has something festering in the fridge that will turn into hot, steamy deliciousness come morning.  Now we just wait for Santa.  And hope there's some good coffee around this joint for the morning.

Merry Christmas!!

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