Thursday, November 10, 2011

Belize, Day 5

I'm sitting in Adam's corner at the Fir.  I figured Rick and Ellen needed to see at least one of us at least once a week, so I'm here on official business.  Not too packed yet for a Thursday night, but give it time.  Chance is on his way to join me for a beer and then I will put the computer down and enjoy his fine company.

Work today was a total circus.  Which shouldn't be surprising.  The plastic bacon made an appearance, which is grounds for an epic day.  The FNG was back for a very brief cameo between a long work trip to California and his standard Friday off.  He is my sanity there these days.  Ironically, the voice of reason, even.  I keep being thrown into projects midway through, which makes it difficult to know what's been going on and where we're headed.  And I feel like there's a lot of reinventing the wheel and a lot of faking it at times to prevent myself from looking like a dumbass.  Today, in fact, I had the most vague request from some flight test folks and responded with an equally vague answer, also noting that I had not even SEEN the work order yet, but if someone would enlighten me, I'd be happy to go into specifics.  It's all been very frustrating lately.  But also highly entertaining.  I mean -- plastic bacon.

Snuck out early to drop off some auction related stuff at PRC for the big bash Saturday night.  And then volunteered to deliver a dozen maple bourbon bacon cupcakes for the "dessert frenzy."  Good to be back in touch with the guys over there and somewhat (but not engulfed) back in the community.  The challenge will be staying sober enough Saturday night to pick Adam up at midnight-thirty.  Chance and Clint will undoubtedly not be helpful in this endeavor - in fact my job at the auction is to get Clint drunk and bidding on stuff.  I have a feeling I am the sacrificial lamb in this situation.

PS, by the way: Rick just stopped by to say hi.  He's on kitchen duty, but came and sat down for a few minutes.  He's adorable.  And I love him.

And I leave you with this tonight - I don't know who gets the original credit, but I got it from Zana via Will.  And it made me laugh so hard I cried.

Like giving a grizzly your Subaru.

1 comment:

  1. Precisely. Just because cars - and slides - ARE awesome, does not mean you give grizzlies, whales and now, obviously, pandas, your Subie.
